Career Paths in Investment Banking: From Education to Employment

June 03, 2024 13:42 STI

New Delhi [India], June 3: Investment banking is one of the most popular choices for college graduates who want to make it big in the world of finance. Although the world of investment banking can be extremely grueling, it offers the benefit of exceptionally high salaries, bonuses and compensation, and therefore status and prestige, as you climb the career ladder.
Through this guide, you get a glimpse of the career opportunities available to graduates of investment banking courses. Keep reading!
What does an investment banker do?
An investment banker helps and advises companies on the type of securities to issue, such as stocks and bonds, the price to issue them, and how and when to issue them. In addition to the aforementioned responsibility, investment bankers also deal with the underwriting process, which is the placement of securities with investors. Additionally, they underwrite municipal bonds and other types of debt securities and work with both private and public companies.
Career Trajectory in Investment Banking
There are some excellent banking certification courses available if you want to build a career in investment banking. Typically, students enrolled in investment banking courses get their start in the industry by participating in internships with investment banks. Internship is not mandatory to enter this field; sure is a great way to start.
The career trajectory of investment bankers is often determined after they complete their banking certification courses. Here is a typical progression from young to old:
* Analyst (bit)
* Collaborator (glorified bit)
* VP (account manager)
* Director (senior account manager, salesperson in training)
* Managing Director (rainmaker)

Let’s take a look at each of these job positions in detail.
This position is open to recent graduates of investment banking courses and is also recognized as the first step to an investment banking career. Analysts often have less than two years of experience, and their primary work involves gathering data, making presentations, and simple analysis of financial data. Most financial concepts were developed in this period and therefore having this experience is essential for anyone who wants to be a successful investment banker. It takes about two to three years to go to the next level.
After gaining two to three years of experience, an analyst is promoted to the associate level. However, candidates who have an MBA in finance are directly hired in this position and they also have more experience compared to analysts. The job comes with additional duties like managing a team of 4-5 analysts and interacting with customers. Approximately, it may take three to four years to be promoted to the next position.
Achieving the position of vice president means you have experience in the investment banking field. A vice president is usually an investment banking expert with extensive project expertise. To qualify for this high-ranking position, you must have six or seven years of experience. Analysts and associates report to vice presidents, and a VP is responsible for maintaining customer relationships and ensuring operational efficiency at all levels of the organization. Vice presidents usually interact with directors and managing directors. Promotion to the next level is based on the vice president’s performance level, which can last about three to four years.
Director or Managing Director
This is the highest level ranking in the investment banking career path and requires a minimum of 15 years of experience. The MD is usually responsible for growing the business and converting potential customers into actual customers. The job involves building customer relationships and getting more customers. Managing directors are the face of an institute they are mainly in building relationships with clients and gaining more clients. They are the people who guide the work below the line.
The aforementioned positions represent important milestones for an individual building a career in investment banking. Apart from the aforementioned roles, graduates of investment banking courses can take up other roles such as bank associate, account manager, investment consultant, portfolio manager and investor relations manager.
A career in investment banking can be really rewarding if the field of finance holds your interest. Degrees in finance, accounting, business administration and other business disciplines are common in the investment banking career path. However, choosing the right career depends on several factors including your interests and passions as well as your skill set. Before embarking on this career path, consider your personal goals as the job of an investment banker can bring tough hours but also significant financial rewards.
If you want to make your career in investment banking then you should enroll in Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional (CIBOP) from Imarticus Learning. This premier industry-approved program is best for apprentices with under three years of experience and comes with 100% job security.
(DISCLAIMER OF THE PRACTICE: The above press release has been provided by TAK. ANI will not be responsible in any way for its content)

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